
Derrick mate I've got some pictures to slap over your face bigtime.
I should've loaded this up yesterday whilst it was still fresh and clean in my emory but oh well. Never mind mate, i keep abusing my plans or time arrangements with you so you'll just have to deal with it. Ner ner.

We had another one day project on thursday to make a font from tape. Pretty straight forward and we were given a briefing session beforehand on typography and the basic elements like x-height, kerning, slab serif etc. I really enjoyed it and felt like i was geeking out bigtime but lived every minute. Haha. We got split into groups which i wasn't to pleased about because the whole forced group thing is a really cheap way to get us to 'interact'. This time though i think it worked really well. I was with Aiden and Jamima (Not quite sure how to spell that but meh. Sybill is her nickname). Aiden showed me his books that he makes and looks like a really passionate illustrator. I wouldn't have thought it either but Sybill spent many months in the isle of scily. Just got up and left. She seemed a bit quiet so really surprised me when she said that. As for the project I'd say the best bit was dinner. Haha. I say it because not working with the team, actually made us work better as a team. There was jokes we could talk about and a conversation floating over the top that wasn't particularly relating to what we were doing which took a lot of the focus off us and our interaction, and moreso about what we were interacting on. I kinda took a directive on what the font should be because of an idea i got from an old lego puzzle that stretched (or condensed in proper terminology. sounds wrong i know, but its respective to keeping the height the same and only altering the width) the letters so they were really really tall and skinny. It looked like barcode until you placed the bottom of the words right next to your eyes and tilted the book so that the height of the book looked only a few centimetres tall. Then voila! a message was there for you to read. I thought it was quite funny as a design but then realised it was applied to road markings and football pitches use this abnormal stretching and distorting of perspective to display adverts at a normal perspective from another point, from where they would have been viewed where marked. We went with it, and tried getting thin tape and realised cutting the tape would have taken ages and wouldn't have been so neat, so after buying som tipex mouses at dinner we set to work. The little buggers weren't as great as we'd thought but it still looked good in my opinion. I think with more time and an ability to mke the lines really crisply measured, marked and displayed it could look really good. Probably something better to use a computer for.

Overall though, yeah. I bloody enjoyed it.
And definately want to do more one day projects again.
It's like a tiny competition that everyone puts a little pride into.

I like to win too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like this Lewis. Very Skinny, Indeed.