
Things To Come ...

With PPRD hand-in on the post-weekend horizon here's what's to come in the form of mental notes I've made. I haven't had a CF card to take any pictures of work I've done or been involved with (it got lost somewhere) but one's due to be delivered so pictures should be a plenty.

For you Derrick;

- Type workshops with Sally Castle.
- Book binding day out with Vicky Martin.
- Screen printing with Jo Donnely.
- Beginning of Professional Project.
- PAL: The Manual
- Possibly, initial ideas had for the live briefs that I watched briefs on but didn't comitt to.

For Isobella;

- Re-skin to a more lavish minimality.
- A lot of internet treats and finds (including new music {}, purchases and a very special postal item from a friend).

AND hopefully a single internet page with all my links ever in one easy clickable page. Why? I don't like delicious as you have to trawl through tags and everything. I want to link-dump and then I'll remember the most useful ones by name and hopefully by this methodology, learn the best ones by name.

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