
Backlog (I Need To)

Hey-ho Derrick.

Once again I find myself slightly annoyed. I don't know why I get protective or possesive over inspiration but I do. I like to claim I was there first when I am and strive to know more about it than anyone else if I'm late.

This time, it's about a company called 'UPPERCASE' (here after referred to as Uppercase). I included Uppercase in my resarch for the greetings cards project we did as one of the first projects in the new academic year. Without getting too wound up they're great and now has slotted their new magazine into the latest post. I am so envious of that blog. It's just so good in every way and sooner or later gets everything good going.

So, in reaction to this stupid self-initiated-irritation I have, I am planning to backlog Isobella of all my inspirations and make a simple web page with everything on it so that it can be a super portal of sorts and Isobella can be the tastiest bits with a few words or paragraphs of reviewing when my enthusiasm deems so.

For PPRD marking it will be a succinct reflection of my work in terms of what the 'texts' are that consciously or subsconsciously inspire me. Here's to getting a fair amount done before the PPRD hand-in date.

Lovelove and say hello to Isobella for me.

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