
Look Again/Think Again - The Crit

I've now had two crits on the same poster, one led by Neil, one by Sally.

The first crit with Neil was a pin-up crit in the afternoon. Not a lot of major input really or suggestions for changes etc. I think the idea is solid but the conviction is flawed somewhat. It was said that the typography was a bit busy because three typefaces on one poster can be a bit excessive. A suggestion was made that a statistic for actual facebook/online usage would hit the excessive consumption of online time home a little more. This would be quite funny to do in the font used with facebook, but contradictory to the previous suggestion.

The second crit was table-based with Sally. The group on a whole were a bit more warmer and talkative even though criticism in general from Sally was a lot more direct. Strange how pressure and a more risqué voicing of strong opinions can cause more discussion rather than the preconception I personally had of it shutting people up. I guess we're all getting to stage where we're comfortable with the work we do and put a lot of thought into it becaue we actually care for our designs. It's nice because people will argue back or say "I think you're wrong there" more. Visual communication year two are finally getting some confidence and thus teeth.

The second crit did feed a big discussion about a whole range of topics stemmed from the poster and questions about identity, security etc. All the things it's supposed to do so for that I feel it's successful. After taking on board suggestions and an idea I had for the main image to be a bit stronger, I plan to put a desk in the middle of a field with monitor-head sitting at it. The contrast in landscape and subject will make the message that you can be online and suffocate yourself from your surroundings that much more vivid and easily attainable. Hopefully the stronger image as focus will be able to calm down the supportive type and clean up the problem mentioned of a type-busy design.

As for actually doing it, I'm not sure it will be possible because the weather has turned for the worst. I'm hoping for a nice day though because it'll hilarious to actually get somebody to sit in the image needed.

Fingers crossed ey Derrick.

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