
Woah woah, hold up. Woah.

Today was amazing. I've always wanted to make a decent looking book but i never realised how easy and fun it is. Learnt a few techniques for binding included japanese stiching, concertina style and another one that was pretty simple. There really is a free track you can run on to make these things. I made mine with top opening pockets and side opening pockets, I used letters for tone on the inside cover and used card for a flush cover to hide all the tape. I LOVE all the geeky silly measuring to tiniest amounts of a mm and scoring and folding then ending up with this neat tidy little object ready to be used.

I've already professed my love for stationary Derrick, and now it's like i've been shown how to make it.
Well, it's not even like l've been shown, I HAVE been shown.

With my cheapo G&M scalpel set I am ready to make make make.

Note to self: Buy guillotine. (I can't spell that for shit.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Im back Lewis, you dont have to ride MY bike anymore.