
Graphics Talk About Third Year

Today I went to a talk about joining third year graphics. The ins and outs and differences to what we're currently doing in FdA Vis Comm.

Roger was a great talker. Profanity, humour and seriousness. I was left a little unsure afterwards because of his statement "tpye is really low on our agenda" and how they don't regard ISTD competitions to be the same calibre as others like D&AD. I hung about and talked to Phil, the senior lecturer for Graphics BA and he cleared it up that all Roger meant was that a pretty piece of type revolving simply around looking nice wasn't good enough. Type usage should be a solid platform that every one has and isn't the be all and end all to their course. It then clicked with everything that had been said that the course is very very self-directed and very conceptually based.

As was said when talking to Kit and a few others afterwards, it's graphics work for a graphic audience where as Vis Comm is more a kind of consumerist bourgeois version of it for the proles. I can do the kind of work BA Graphics needs, but I don't think I could do it solidly day-in and day-out. I'd love to take on a heavyily concept-based brief but afterwards I think I'd need a rest and have to make some 'fashion-graphics' just to bust out some visuals of things that look good because they're flavour of the month.

It's put a few questions in my mind as it wasn't particularly what I was expecting the Graphics BA to be, yet saying that, I didn't really have any preconceptions to begin with. I think I will take it on and see just how much of a challenge it will be to not do any 'masturbatory' work as Phil put it. I'm sure it will be tough but equally rewarding.

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