
I Can't Think Of A Title But Said I'd Do One So Here It Is

Went in today to have a play about with some metal type. Spoke to Kit about where to get started and apart from having loads of bits of type there's no formes or galleys to hold it all and I really don't fancy twiddling about with loads of bits trying to masking-tape them all together neatly. Kit said she'd try and find out for me about getting some more equipment to make a play with it all a bit more productive. I could try and hand make one if it takes too long with a few bits of scrap wood and tacks but sometimes I know in saying things that'll all it'll ever turn out to be.

Asked Kit also about the Penguin placement and what needs to be sorted out CV wise. She said we've got until the end of October to get them in which gives me a bit more time so I'm going to knock a copy up now for her to check through.

I received a reply from Briony Hartley [Goldust Design] too with a lovely PDF set in Martin Majoor's Scala Sans. I need to make a media orientated CV different to that of the one I handed in at Tesco. Don't think my fish-monger skills would be too impressive when working with InDesign. Ideally I'd wait to give her a copy of one I'm planning on making in preparation for Penguin but I need to get one now so I will just have to make do.

*Thanks to my trusty Bringhurst's 'Elements Of Typographic Style' I managed to find the typeface. My persistence and need to know terminology (although I couldn't find where I'd written what the wooden draws that hold the metal type are called. I vaguely remembering it being something you always think is something else, so font or type or case maybe?) lead me through several sites I'm going to list now and one treasure that deserves it's own separate post.

[Fontshop's Type Navigator] - Handy for finding that elusive font that you just can't remember the name of. A problem I'm constantly plagued by. I think the fact that I was never into sport or anything like that is now surfacing and my statistic-less starved brain is now making up for years of terminlogy starvation. Maybe I should make some 'Premier League Sticker'-esque game with fonts for the kids currently in playgrounds like me.

[Metal Type] - Nice little site outlining history of metal type and it's variants. I fell in love with the 'Library' section, as always, because of it's beautiful old manuals and instructions all in PDF. Downloading them all on a rainy day soon.

[Typesetting Terminology] - Upon looking for the correct term I cam across this site which will be handy for those blocked-brain moments and this
[Printing Terminlogy]. Not the most visually appealing of sites but content is good.

[A History Of Centaur] - Couldn't help but note down this as I lovelovelove the history behind a typeface and learning how it came about. Just much the same as I much prefer to listen to an album when I know the performer/s history and brief era summary. History is inferred context and it makes me bloody beam.

[Fontshop's Newsletters Archive] - A plethora of information as above but more up to date. Goes back to 2004 I think. I'm still struggling to set down time to read the email newsletters I get now but it's always nice to have them ready for that free text-ready hour.

[Essay On Making Type] Granted I haven't read this and the picture-less page (ashamedly) made me bookmark without scanning but I will definitely read it and write back at some point.

And so ends another time of trying to do one thing on my computer and doing a million others instead!

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