
Introducing . . . Derrick II

Alreet Derrick!

I think to now cement me enrolling into my second year you should be given the title 'Derrick' (or Derrick the second, {Derrick II} preferably said with an articulated tongue and slightly nasal, as if mis-deliverence would be to soil your own mouth).

Ta-dah! And henceforth you are known as such. I'll get around to giving you a new set of HTML wonder-garments soon. I need to remember to title what I can also. Even wonderously large titles are better than nothing.

To begin with here's some notes as of my scribble paper from the 29th. More of a to-do than anything. Yet again the confusion begins between transference between paper notes and PPRD. I think I'm going to upload notes, then chunk them out and edit them when I can. Alas here we go:

- Research ISTD and D&AD Briefs
- Organise a day to sit and read The Independant or sift through notes. Aptly called PPRD day. Haha. I reckon Monday/Tuesday will be good for this. Give me time to tackle those hefty Sunday tabliods and syphon through any remnants of the weeks notes.
- Make a design CV to hand in for Penguin placement. Needs to include: MIMA, Rotovision, The Gate & Royal British Legion.
- Check AIB emails for LIVE briefs.
- Own portfolio will need own 'identity'. Research, plan & create. New terminology = Replate.
- Ask Sally {Reading: Typography BA/MA}{Masonry and/or stonework}{Hot metal type day}
- PAL (document)

As for our intiation into the second year the normal flurry of handouts filled with insurance document-esque jargon of stats, mark brackets, achievement scores et cetera et cetera et plethora. 'Personal Planning, Reflection & Development 2' is it's name and time consumption is it's game. Neil advised not to put so much 'personal' stuff on it. Being studious and discerning I'm going to completely outrule this advice. For me, PPRD isn't 'Personal Planning, Reflection & Development'. PPRD is Derrick. Derrick was coming online and organising a shed load of paperwork into nice neat OCD approved digital piles then throwing recycling the paper based stuff out (after making digital backups of course). Derrick II will likewise be the same but with the experience of knowing his predecessor, I will be able to utilise his wondrous digital hospitality even more. Several more rooms ('Word To Your Mother', 'If I Were A Jigsaw My Pieces Would Be...') hopefully and as before, a complete redecoration soon to await.

But yes, expect to still hear from me Derrick in all my vernacular and profanity. All things tedious and troubled. Relaxed and raged. Loved & hated.

To echo the words of me a year ago:

"Bring it on."

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