
Enquire? -

'Reading Typography BA/MA'
- [Main Link]

This looks like a tasty place to do a third year maybe?!

- [BA Graphic Communication and English Literature]
- [BA Typography and English] PDF
- [BA Design for Graphic Communication] PDF
- [MA Book Design]
- [MA Typeface Design]
- Sub site for [class of 2008]

And of course, a lovely little article via

Sally also said to check out typeface design at Amsterdam and I've tunnelled the following out of the web.

'TypeNeu' [Link] - A typography blog.
'Urban Typography Workshop In Amsterdam' [Link] - A nice little two-day workshop that was on 17th & 18th Jan this year. Would be nice to find something like that here!
'Underware' [Link] - The company that everyone went to see on the Amsterdam trip. Well miffed I couldn't go now.


Weymouth College [Link] - Looks like the beginning place to go. Course starts in February for 10 weeks at a price of £120. Hmmmmn.

'Stonemasonry Cove' [Link] - The governing body for Weymouth stonemasonry?
'Carving Out A Future' [Link] - An article from the online edition of The Guardian detailing Weymouth's course.
'Worthington Stone Carving' [Link] - Katherine Worthington's portfolio site. Great information on her training to get to where she is now. Must research more.

Typography Work

Neil has given me contact details for Briony Hartley to do some possible work as a 'typographer'. Sent an email so just waiting to hear back now.

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