Derrick is a suited and booted blog where all (and in '09 only) mind creations for the manchildboy Lewis Bullock reside. He is about aesthetics, assessment and aim.
Mitchell & Wightman - Book Typography: A Designer's Manual
Felton P - The Ten Commandments Of Typography
Books I've Read/Own
Atwood M - The Handmaid's Tale
Augarde T - The Oxford Guide To Word Games
Baker T - The Boy Who Kicked Pigs
Boyd B - White Fluffy Clouds
Bringhurst R - The Elements Of Typographic Style
Brooks K - Lucas
Brown D - Digital Fortress
Brown D - The Da Vinci Code
Burton T - The Melancholy Death Of Oyster Boy
Clevenger C - Dermaphoria
Dahl R - George's Marvellous Medicine
Dahl R - The BFG
Doust L.A. - The Art Of Lettering And Lay-Out
Doyle A.C. - The Return Of Sherlock Holmes
Dylan B - Chronicles - Volume One
Eugenides J - The Virgin Suicides
Gattis R - Kung Fu High School
Gowers E - Fowler's Modern English Usage
Harbin R - Origami 3 - The Art Of Paper Folding
Harrison B - An Introduction To The Philosophy Of Language
Hawks J.T. - The Traveller
Hines B - Kes
Hodgekinson T - The Idler (Vol. 41)
Johnston E - Writing & Illuminating & Lettering
Lloyd J & Mitchinson J - The Book Of General Ignorance
Loe E - Naive. Super
Mitchell C - How To Make Layouts Accurate
Monkton E - The Penguin Of Death
Oxford Dictionary
Palahniuk C - Choke
Palahniuk C - Diary
Palahniuk C - Invisible Monsters
Palahniuk C - Non-Fiction
Palaniuk C - Haunted
Pepin Press - Folding Patterns For Display & Publicity
Shakespeare W - A Midsummer Nights Dream
Shakespeare W - King Lear
Stephenson & Blake - Printing Types From The Caslon Letter Foundry
Stevenson R.L. - Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde
Thompson H.S. - Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas
Williams T - The Glass Menagerie
Winterson J - Weight
Wurzel E - Prozac Nation
Blog Archive
Quick post to mark additions:
'Design Observer', a design blog, under the 'Word To Your Mother' section. 'Typotheque', a typographic company from the Netherlands (see their typeface 'History').
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